Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai Lyrics

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“Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” is a popular devotional song that has captivated listeners across the world. These lyrics express a deep sense of gratitude and reverence towards the divine, conveying the belief that all our endeavors are made possible through the grace and blessings of the Almighty. The song has become a cherished part of the spiritual and cultural fabric, resonating with people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

In this article, we will delve into the meaning and significance of these timeless lyrics, explore the various renditions and artists who have brought them to life, and uncover the profound spiritual message that lies at the heart of this beloved composition. We will also examine the musical elements that contribute to its enduring appeal and discuss how these lyrics have touched the lives of countless individuals, inspiring them on their own journeys of faith and self-discovery.

Meaning and significance of the lyrics

The title of the song, “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai,” translates to “Everything is happening by Your grace.” These words encapsulate a deep sense of reverence and gratitude towards the divine, acknowledging that all our accomplishments and the very course of our lives are made possible through the blessings and grace of the Almighty.

The lyrics convey the idea that the individual is merely a vessel, and it is the divine intervention and compassion that ultimately guides and shapes our experiences. This sentiment resonates with the core principles of many spiritual traditions, which emphasize the importance of humility, surrender, and the recognition of a higher power that transcends our own limited understanding.

“Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” has been interpreted and performed by numerous renowned artists, each bringing their own unique style and emotional depth to the rendition. Some of the most popular and celebrated versions include:

  1. Anup Jalota: The renowned bhajan singer, Anup Jalota, has lent his soulful and powerful voice to this devotional classic, captivating audiences with his heartfelt rendition.
  2. Hariharan: The versatile and acclaimed vocalist, Hariharan, has also recorded a mesmerizing version of the song, showcasing his remarkable range and emotional expression.
  3. Anuradha Paudwal: The legendary devotional singer, Anuradha Paudwal, has graced the song with her angelic voice, infusing it with a sense of purity and devotion.
  4. Lata Mangeshkar: The “Nightingale of India,” Lata Mangeshkar, has also lent her iconic voice to this beloved composition, adding her own unique interpretation and timeless charm.

These are just a few of the many artists who have contributed to the enduring popularity and universal appeal of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai.” Each rendition offers a distinct perspective and emotional resonance, allowing listeners to connect with the lyrics on a deeply personal level.

The spiritual message behind the lyrics

At the core of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” lies a profound spiritual message that transcends religious boundaries. The lyrics convey a sense of complete surrender and dependence on the divine, acknowledging that our own efforts and abilities are ultimately secondary to the grace and blessings of the Almighty.

This sentiment aligns with the teachings of various spiritual traditions, which emphasize the importance of humility, faith, and the recognition of a higher power that guides and shapes our lives. By acknowledging the role of the divine in our successes and achievements, the lyrics encourage a shift in perspective, from one of individual ego and accomplishment to one of gratitude, devotion, and a deeper connection with the sacred.

Moreover, the lyrics suggest that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found when we let go of our attachment to the fruits of our labor and surrender ourselves to the divine will. This message of surrender and trust in the divine plan resonates with seekers of spiritual enlightenment, offering a path towards inner peace, harmony, and a sense of purpose that extends beyond the confines of the material world.

Impact and popularity of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” lyrics

The enduring popularity and impact of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” can be attributed to its universal appeal and the profound emotional and spiritual resonance it evokes in listeners. The song has transcended religious and cultural boundaries, becoming a beloved staple in devotional and spiritual gatherings across India and beyond.

One of the key factors contributing to the song’s widespread popularity is its ability to provide solace, comfort, and a sense of connection to the divine. In times of uncertainty, hardship, or personal struggle, the lyrics offer a powerful reminder of the ever-present grace and guidance of the Almighty, instilling a sense of hope, faith, and resilience in the hearts of those who seek it.

Moreover, the song has become a cherished part of various religious and spiritual traditions, being incorporated into rituals, ceremonies, and personal devotional practices. This integration into the fabric of cultural and spiritual life has further solidified its status as a timeless and revered composition, passed down through generations and celebrated for its ability to uplift, inspire, and connect individuals with the divine.

Analysis of the composition and musical elements

The musical composition of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” is a masterful blend of traditional Indian classical elements and contemporary musical sensibilities. The song is typically set in a devotional raga, such as Bhairavi or Malhar, which lend it a sense of solemnity, depth, and emotional resonance.

The melodic structure of the song is characterized by a seamless flow of notes, often punctuated by moments of contemplative pauses and subtle embellishments. This interplay of melody and rhythm creates a sense of balance and harmony, mirroring the lyrical theme of surrender and divine grace.

The instrumental accompaniment, which may include traditional Indian instruments like the harmonium, tabla, and sitar, further enhances the spiritual and meditative quality of the composition. The rhythmic patterns and the layering of these instruments serve to create a sense of unity and cohesion, guiding the listener on a journey of introspection and devotion.

Additionally, the vocal delivery of the lyrics is often characterized by a soulful, emotive quality, with the artists infusing the words with a depth of feeling and personal connection. This emotional expression, combined with the captivating musical elements, contributes to the enduring appeal and transformative power of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai.”

How the lyrics resonate with listeners

The lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” have the remarkable ability to resonate with listeners on a deeply personal level, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. This universal appeal can be attributed to the song’s ability to capture the universal human experience of seeking solace, guidance, and a sense of purpose in the face of life’s challenges and uncertainties.

For many, the lyrics serve as a powerful affirmation of their faith and a testament to the belief that there is a higher power guiding and shaping their lives. The acknowledgment of the divine’s grace and the surrender of one’s own will to a greater plan can provide a sense of comfort, reassurance, and a renewed perspective on the ups and downs of life’s journey.

Moreover, the lyrics’ emphasis on gratitude and the recognition of the divine’s role in our successes and achievements can inspire a shift in mindset, from one of individual accomplishment to one of humble appreciation and reverence. This shift can lead to a deeper sense of purpose, a renewed commitment to spiritual growth, and a stronger connection with the sacred.

Ultimately, the resonance of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” lies in its ability to speak to the universal human yearning for meaning, guidance, and a sense of belonging within a larger, divine plan. The lyrics offer a pathway for individuals to find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of hope, regardless of their personal beliefs or cultural backgrounds.

The lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” have the power to evoke deeply personal and transformative experiences for listeners. As individuals engage with these words, they may find themselves reflecting on their own life journeys, the challenges they have faced, and the role of the divine in shaping their experiences.

For some, the lyrics may serve as a powerful affirmation of their faith, providing a sense of comfort and reassurance in times of uncertainty or hardship. The acknowledgment of the divine’s grace and the recognition that all our endeavors are ultimately guided by a higher power can offer a profound sense of peace and surrender, allowing individuals to let go of the need for control and embrace the mystery of the divine plan.

Others may find the lyrics to be a source of inspiration, a reminder to cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in their lives. The realization that our successes and achievements are not solely the result of our own efforts, but are made possible through the grace of the divine, can foster a profound shift in perspective, leading to a more humble and spiritually-centered approach to life.

Moreover, the lyrics may resonate with individuals who are on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to deepen their connection with the sacred and to find meaning and purpose in their lives. The message of surrender and trust in the divine can provide a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the human experience and finding solace in the knowledge that there is a greater plan at work.

Ultimately, the personal experiences and interpretations of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” are as diverse as the individuals who engage with the lyrics. The power of these words lies in their ability to touch the hearts and souls of listeners, inspiring them to reflect, to grow, and to find a deeper sense of connection with the divine.

Inspirational stories associated with “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” lyrics

The lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” have inspired countless individuals to share their personal stories of transformation, faith, and the power of divine grace. These stories serve as a testament to the profound impact that these words can have on the human experience.

One such story is that of a young entrepreneur who faced a series of setbacks in their business venture. Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, they turned to the lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” as a source of comfort and guidance. The message of surrender and trust in the divine plan resonated deeply, and the individual found the courage to persevere, ultimately achieving greater success than they had ever imagined.

Another inspiring tale involves a family that was grappling with a medical crisis. As they navigated the challenges and uncertainties of the situation, they found solace in the lyrics, which reminded them of the ever-present grace of the divine. The family reported a renewed sense of hope, strength, and a deeper appreciation for the blessings in their lives, even in the face of adversity.

There are also stories of individuals who have found the  lyrics to be a source of spiritual transformation, using them as a tool for meditation, contemplation, and a deeper connection with the sacred. These listeners have shared how the words have helped them cultivate a greater sense of humility, gratitude, and a renewed commitment to their spiritual practices.

These inspiring stories, and countless others like them, serve as a testament to the power of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” to touch the hearts and lives of people from all walks of life. They demonstrate the enduring impact of these lyrics and their ability to provide comfort, guidance, and a pathway towards personal and spiritual growth.


In the ever-evolving landscape of music and spirituality, the lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” have stood the test of time, captivating audiences and inspiring countless individuals on their personal and spiritual journeys. These timeless words, with their profound message of surrender, gratitude, and the recognition of divine grace, have the power to transcend cultural and religious boundaries, speaking to the universal human experience of seeking meaning, purpose, and a deeper connection with the sacred.

As we reflect on the enduring appeal of these lyrics, we are reminded of the enduring power of faith, humility, and the willingness to let go of our own agendas in order to embrace the divine plan. The song’s ability to provide solace, comfort, and a renewed sense of hope in times of uncertainty and hardship is a testament to its enduring relevance and the timeless wisdom it embodies.

Moreover, the diverse interpretations, personal experiences, and inspirational stories associated with “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” serve as a testament to the song’s universal appeal and its ability to touch the hearts and souls of listeners from all walks of life. Whether one finds solace in the lyrics, inspiration in their message, or a deeper connection with the divine, the enduring legacy of these words continues to enrich and transform the lives of all who encounter them.

As you embark on your own journey of discovery and spiritual growth, we invite you to embrace the timeless wisdom and transformative power of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai.” Let these lyrics be a guiding light, reminding you of the ever-present grace of the divine and the profound joy that can be found in surrendering to the greater plan. May these words inspire you to cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude, humility, and a renewed commitment to your own spiritual and personal evolution.

If you found this article on the lyrics of “Mera Aap Ki Kripa Se Sab Kaam Ho Raha Hai” to be inspiring and meaningful, we invite you to explore more of our content on the power of devotional music and the transformative impact of spiritual teachings. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on new articles, exclusive offers, and special events that can deepen your connection with the divine. Together, let us embark on a journey of faith, growth, and the endless possibilities that await when we open our hearts to the grace of the Almighty.

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