Bernese Mountain Dog Price In India

Angela Scanlon By Angela Scanlon

Bernese Mountain Dogs, with their striking tri-colored coats and gentle demeanor, have become increasingly popular companions in India. As a prospective Bernese Mountain Dog owner, one of the key considerations is the cost associated with acquiring and caring for these majestic canines. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors that influence the price of Bernese Mountain Dogs in India, the average price range, and important considerations to keep in mind when bringing one of these furry friends into your home.

Introduction to Bernese Mountain Dogs

Bernese Mountain Dogs, also known as Berner Sennenhunde, are a breed of large, working dogs that originated in the Swiss Alps. These intelligent and loyal canines were historically used for various tasks, including herding, drafting, and guarding. Today, they are beloved worldwide for their affectionate nature, versatility, and striking appearance.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their distinctive tri-colored coat, which is typically black, white, and rust-colored. They are a relatively large breed, with males typically standing 25 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 80 to 115 pounds, while females are slightly smaller, standing 23 to 26 inches tall and weighing 70 to 95 pounds.

Factors that Influence the Price of Bernese Mountain Dogs in India

The price of a Bernese Mountain Dog in India can vary considerably, depending on several factors:

  1. Pedigree and Lineage: Puppies from reputable, registered breeders with a proven track record of producing healthy, well-socialized Bernese Mountain Dogs will typically command higher prices.
  2. Gender: Male Bernese Mountain Dogs are generally more expensive than females, as they are in higher demand.
  3. Breeder Reputation and Location: Breeders with a strong reputation for responsible breeding practices and those located in metropolitan areas or popular pet-owning regions may charge higher prices.
  4. Availability and Demand: The supply and demand for Bernese Mountain Dogs in a particular region can significantly impact the pricing. In areas with a limited number of breeders, prices may be higher.
  5. Health Certifications and Guarantees: Puppies from breeders who provide health screenings, genetic tests, and health guarantees will often have a higher price tag.
  6. Training and Socialization: Bernese Mountain Dogs that have received early socialization and basic obedience training may cost more, as they are often considered more desirable.
  7. Unique Characteristics: Puppies with exceptional physical traits, such as rare coat colors or superior conformation, may be priced higher by breeders.

Average Price Range of Bernese Mountain Dogs in India

The average price range for a Bernese Mountain Dog in India can vary significantly, but generally falls between ₹80,000 to ₹1,50,000. However, it’s important to note that these prices are subject to change and can be influenced by the factors mentioned above.

At the lower end of the spectrum, you may find Bernese Mountain Dog puppies from less reputable breeders or rescue organizations for around ₹80,000 to ₹1,00,000. These puppies may have unknown health histories or may not have received the proper socialization and training.

On the higher end, puppies from well-established, registered breeders with a reputation for producing healthy, well-socialized Bernese Mountain Dogs can cost between ₹1,20,000 to ₹1,50,000 or more. These puppies will typically come with health certifications, genetic testing, and a warranty or guarantee.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the initial purchase price is just the beginning of the financial commitment when owning a Bernese Mountain Dog. Additional costs, such as veterinary care, grooming, and ongoing maintenance, should also be factored into your decision-making process.

Where to Buy Bernese Mountain Dogs in India

Finding a reputable breeder is crucial when acquiring a Bernese Mountain Dog in India. Here are some of the most reliable sources to consider:

  1. Registered Kennel Clubs: The Kennel Club of India (KCI) and the Indian National Kennel Club (INKC) maintain a list of registered breeders and can be a valuable resource for finding responsible Bernese Mountain Dog breeders.
  2. Online Directories: Websites like and often feature listings for Bernese Mountain Dog breeders across India, along with reviews and ratings.
  3. Local Veterinary Clinics: Veterinarians in your area may have connections with reputable Bernese Mountain Dog breeders and can provide referrals.
  4. Breed-Specific Rescue Organizations: Organizations like the Indian Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue (IBMDR) work to rehome and adopt out Bernese Mountain Dogs in need.

When contacting potential breeders, be sure to ask about their breeding practices, health testing protocols, and the overall health and temperament of the puppies. A responsible breeder will be transparent and willing to answer all of your questions.

Responsible Breeding Practices for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Responsible breeding is essential for the well-being of Bernese Mountain Dogs and the preservation of the breed. Reputable breeders should adhere to the following best practices:

  1. Health Screening: Breeding dogs should undergo comprehensive health tests, including hip and elbow evaluations, to ensure they are free from genetic disorders.
  2. Genetic Testing: Breeders should utilize genetic testing to identify and avoid passing on inherited conditions, such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and von Willebrand’s disease.
  3. Temperament Evaluation: Breeding dogs should have stable, friendly temperaments and be evaluated for any behavioral issues.
  4. Socialization and Training: Puppies should receive early socialization and exposure to various environments, people, and experiences to ensure they develop into well-adjusted, confident companions.
  5. Ethical Practices: Responsible breeders should maintain detailed records, prioritize the health and welfare of their breeding stock, and only produce a limited number of litters per year.

By choosing a breeder who adheres to these responsible practices, you can increase the likelihood of acquiring a healthy, well-adjusted Bernese Mountain Dog that will bring joy and companionship to your family for years to come.

Additional Costs to Consider when Owning a Bernese Mountain Dog

While the initial purchase price of a Bernese Mountain Dog is a significant investment, there are several additional ongoing costs to consider when welcoming one of these gentle giants into your home:

  1. Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups, vaccinations, preventive medication, and any necessary treatments can add up quickly. Bernese Mountain Dogs are also prone to certain health conditions, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, which may require specialized care.
  2. Grooming: Bernese Mountain Dogs have a thick, double coat that requires regular brushing and professional grooming every 6-8 weeks to maintain their appearance and prevent matting.
  3. Food and Supplies: As a large breed, Bernese Mountain Dogs require a significant amount of high-quality dog food, as well as accessories like bedding, toys, and training equipment.
  4. Training and Socialization: Investing in professional training and socialization classes can help ensure your Bernese Mountain Dog develops into a well-behaved companion.
  5. Insurance: Considering pet insurance or a wellness plan can help offset the costs of unexpected medical emergencies or chronic health conditions.

By factoring in these additional expenses, you can better prepare for the long-term financial commitment of owning a Bernese Mountain Dog and ensure your furry friend receives the care and attention they deserve.

Tips for Finding a Reputable Breeder in India

Locating a responsible, reputable Bernese Mountain Dog breeder in India is crucial to ensuring the health and well-being of your new canine companion. Here are some tips to guide your search:

  1. Research Breed Clubs and Registries: Connect with organizations like the Kennel Club of India (KCI) and the Indian National Kennel Club (INKC) to find breeders who are members and adhere to their ethical standards.
  2. Look for Transparency: A reputable breeder should be open and transparent about their breeding practices, health testing protocols, and the overall temperament and socialization of their dogs.
  3. Visit the Breeder’s Facility: If possible, schedule a visit to the breeder’s facility to observe the living conditions of the breeding stock and puppies. A responsible breeder will welcome prospective owners to their home or kennel.
  4. Ask Plenty of Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask the breeder detailed questions about the parents’ health, temperament, and any potential genetic issues. A reputable breeder will be happy to provide this information.
  5. Request Health Certificates: Responsible breeders should provide comprehensive health certificates and genetic testing results for the parents and puppies, ensuring the overall health of the lineage.
  6. Consider a Waiting List: Reputable Bernese Mountain Dog breeders often have waitlists, as they prioritize the welfare of their dogs over quick sales.

By taking the time to research and vet potential breeders, you can increase the likelihood of finding a healthy, well-adjusted Bernese Mountain Dog that will be a cherished member of your family for years to come.

Adoption Options for Bernese Mountain Dogs in India

In addition to purchasing from a reputable breeder, there are also adoption options available for Bernese Mountain Dogs in India. Adopting a Bernese Mountain Dog can be a rewarding experience, as you’ll be providing a loving home to a canine in need.

Organizations like the Indian Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue (IBMDR) work to rehome Bernese Mountain Dogs that have been surrendered or rescued. These dogs may have experienced difficult circumstances, but with the right care and attention, they can make wonderful, loyal companions.

When considering adoption, be prepared to provide the necessary time, resources, and patience to help your adopted Bernese Mountain Dog adjust to their new environment and overcome any potential behavioral or health challenges. Adoption fees are generally lower than purchasing from a breeder, but you’ll need to factor in the potential costs of any necessary veterinary care or training.

Health Considerations for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Bernese Mountain Dogs are generally a healthy breed, but they are predisposed to certain genetic conditions that prospective owners should be aware of:

  1. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: This is a common orthopedic condition that can cause joint pain and mobility issues. Responsible breeders should screen for and minimize the risk of these conditions.
  2. Cancer: Bernese Mountain Dogs have a higher incidence of certain types of cancer, such as histiocytic sarcoma and lymphoma. Regular veterinary check-ups and early detection are crucial.
  3. Bloat: Also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), this life-threatening condition can occur in large, deep-chested breeds like the Bernese Mountain Dog. Owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms.
  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): This hereditary eye condition can lead to vision loss. Responsible breeders should screen for and avoid breeding affected dogs.
  5. Von Willebrand’s Disease: This is an inherited bleeding disorder that can affect Bernese Mountain Dogs. Genetic testing can help identify carriers.

By choosing a reputable breeder, providing your Bernese Mountain Dog with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and prompt veterinary care, you can help mitigate the risks of these health conditions and ensure your furry friend enjoys a long, healthy life.


Bernese Mountain Dogs are undoubtedly a magnificent breed, with their striking appearance, gentle temperament, and loyal companionship. However, owning one of these large, fluffy companions requires a significant financial and time commitment.

Before deciding to bring a Bernese Mountain Dog into your home, carefully consider the initial purchase price, as well as the ongoing costs of veterinary care, grooming, and maintenance. Additionally, be prepared to provide your Bernese Mountain Dog with ample exercise, socialization, and training to ensure they develop into well-adjusted, well-behaved companions.

If you are willing to make the necessary investment and can provide a loving, stable environment, a Bernese Mountain Dog may be the perfect addition to your family. These gentle giants will undoubtedly bring joy, laughter, and endless cuddles into your life.

To learn more about responsible Bernese Mountain Dog ownership and find a reputable breeder in your area, schedule a consultation with a local veterinarian or reach out to the Kennel Club of India. They can provide valuable guidance and connect you with trusted sources to help you find your new furry friend.

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